

1- Usually all recent Linux distibutions natively support OpenVPN client by having the packages network-manager and network-manager-openvpn installed

  • network-manager = network management framework (daemon and userspace tools)
  • network-manager-openvpn = network management framework (OpenVPN plugin core)
  • If not already present, use relevant package manager tool to install them (apt, yum, rpm, etc.)

2- The guide is has been performed on Linux Mint 19.3 Tricia (Ubuntu 18.04 bionic) on a WiFi Network Interface


1- Right-click on the network interface (Wired/WiFi) to display the interactive menu

2- Within ‘VPN Connection’, select ‘Add a new VPN connection’

3- Choose ‘Import a saved VPN configuration’ and click ‘Create’

4- Select the ovpn configuration file that you have received by email from Europamente (Subject:’Your Europamente order is now complete’, Sender: and that you have previously stored locally on your PC

(In current example, the file is called cl626321-1.ovpn and is stored in Downloads)

5- A new window pops up that shows the imported configuration. Click on save to store it

(You can change the connection name if you like. By default, it is the name of the file = ‘cl626321-1’ in current example)

6- Your VPN connection is now available to use


1- To start the VPN connection, right-click on the network interface (Wired/WiFi) to display the interactive menu, select ‘VPN connection’ and check the VPN connection name that was configured previously 

2- The interactive menu will disappear and the network interface (Wire/WiFi) will be hidden by a wheel with a padlock while making the VPN connection. It should take less than 10 seconds depending of your internet connection

3- Once the VPN connection is made, the network interface (Wire/WiFi) is shown with a padlock on its side

4- Once connected, all your internet traffic is routed through the VPN

5- To stop VPN connection, right-click on the network interface (Wired/WiFi) to display the interactive menu, select ‘VPN connection’ and uncheck the VPN connection name

6- The network interface (Wire/WiFi) is back to its original state and shown without padlock