
You can choose to install OpenVPN Connect or Tunnelblick.

OpenVPN Connect: Installation

1- Download OpenVPN Connect client software:

2- Double-click on the .dmg file to start the installation

3- Double-click on the package icon to continue with the installation

4- Click on the “Continue” button

5- Click on the “Continue” button

6- Click on “Agree”

7- Click on “Install”

8- Type your username, password and click on “Install Software”

9- Click on “Close”. Whether you keep or not the software package installation file is up to you.

OpenVPN Connect: Configuration

1- Run the OpenVPN Connect Software.
(you can do that by using spotlight search (cmd+spacebar))

2- On the “Onboarding Tour” screen click on the upper right “X”

3- Click on “Agree”

4- Click on “OK”

5- Click on “File”

6- In your Finder, locate your ovpn configuration file that you have received as attachment by email from Europamente (Subject: ‘Your Europamente order is now complete’, Sender: The filename in this example is “cl626321-1.ovpn”.

Drag and drop that file into this screen

7- Check “Connect after import” and then click on “Add”

8- You shall see this screen confirming you have successfully connected to the VPN network of Europamente

You’ll also see the OpenVPN icon at the top admin bar of your Mac at the side of the WiFi and Bluetooth icon.

OpenVPN Connect: Use

1- To open the VPN program OpenVPN you can search it on Spotlight (cmd+spacebar) and click in the result to open it.  

2- Click on the gray on-off button to connect to the VPN

3- You shall see this screen confirming you have successfully connected to the VPN network of Europamente

You’ll also see the OpenVPN icon at the top admin bar of your Mac at the side of the WiFi and Bluetooth icon.

4- To disconnect just go to the OpenVPN app, as pointed in step 1, and click on Disconnect or click on the green on-off button to disconnect from the VPN

Tunnelblick: Installation

1- Download the latest stable Tunnelblick app:

2- Double-click on the .dmg file to start the installation

3- Double-click on the app icon to continue with the installation

4- Click on “Open” button to accept the use of this app

5- Click on “Continue” button

6- Type your admin password and click OK

7- Succesfull installation message

Tunnelblick: Configuration

1- Click on “I have the configuration files”

2- Click on OK

3- To open the VPN program Tunnelblick you can search it on Spotlight (cmd+spacebar) and click in the result to open it.

4- In your Finder, locate your ovpn configuration file that you have received as attachment by email from Europamente (Subject: ‘Your Europamente order is now complete’, Sender: and double-click on it.

5- A dialog will open and ask you if you want to install this VPN configuration only for your Mac user or for all users from your Mac. We recommend to install it only for your user. Other users can use a shared key or a unique key depending on the type of VPN you purchased from us.

6- Type your admin password and click OK

If this notice appears click on the checkbox and then on “Don’t use the plugin”

If this notice appears click on the checkbox and then on OK

7- Click on Connect.

Your VPN should be properly configured and start working now.

You will see a tunnel icon at the top admin bar of your Mac at the side of the WiFi and Bluetooth icon.

Tunnelblick: Use

1- To open the VPN program Tunnelblick you can search it on Spotlight (cmd+spacebar) and click in the result to open it.  

2 – Click on Connect.

Your VPN should start working now.

3- You will see a tunnel icon at the top admin bar of your Mac at the side of the WiFi and Bluetooth icon.

4- To disconnect just go to the Tunnelblick app, as pointed in step 1, and click on Disconnect