Order Management

A subsequent email “Your Europamente order is now complete” will be sent within 1 working day (check your Spam folder also). It comprises the configuration that needs to be imported in the client application on your devices (OpenVPN Connect or Tunnelblick). The delay of 1 working day is explained by the fact your VPN Server needs to be provisioned as it does not exist at the time of the order. To import your configuration file(s), check the users guides available here.

Yes, several VPN offers can be added in an order (= cart) with a limit of 5 products per order. The offers are then grouped together thanks to their subscription duration (monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, yearly) because their recurrent payment will happen as the same time.

For instance, subscribing to 3 VPN offers : “Bronze/Quarterly/England”, “Silver/Quarterly/Germany”, “Gold/Yearly/France” will produce 2 subscriptions :

– 1 for “Bronze/Quarterly/England” and “Silver/Quarterly/Germany” billed together every quarter

– 1 for “Gold/Yearly/France” billed every year

The Bronze offer is defined with only 1 shared key that means that all your users / your devices use the same key.

Having 1 shared key means that you have only 1 configuration file (*.ovpn) to import in the client application on your devices

The Silver and Gold offers permit more shared keys (= several configuration files). This can be useful if the VPN is shared among family or friends with each one with its distinct shared key. This would ease the key revocation in case of a stolen equipment for instance. Revoking a shared key that you gave to a friend won’t impact you. To revoke a key, please contact us at support@europamente.com

The benefit of having a unique key is that you ensure you won’t be impacted with the other users activity with whom you share your VPN offer:

a) For instance, you choose to have 2 shared keys within a Silver Offer that allows 12 simultaneous connections

b) You use the first key and you give the second shared key to a friend

c) Your friend connects simultaneously his 12 devices on its side with its shared key.

The outcome is that your friend already consumed all the simultaneous connections of the offer and you won’t be able to connect with your shared key until your friend disconnect at least 1 device.

Having 12 unique keys prevents this. Each user or device has its own unique key and each unique keys has its own access and consume only 1 connection simultaneously.

This is why the Silver offer has the option of 12 unique keys for 12 simultaneous connections and Gold offer has the option of 20 unique keys for 20 simultaneous connections