VPN Server

Only one (= yours) that is located in either England, Germany or France depending of your choice in the order. This dedicated server only manages your own internet traffic from your devices. This guaranties a high bandwidth usage of 100 Mbps only for your needs and the bandwidth is not shared by anyone else.

Your dedicated VPN server has a 100 Mbps bandwidth, a 99.90% of availability = SLA (Service Level Agreement). It is protected against DDOS and DOS attacks (Denial of Service / Distributed Denial of Service) and has a fixed IP. It is configured only to accept your devices connections and embeds several security controls to avoid intrusion. It also owns a dedicated set of keys linked to your VPN offer

Yes, your dedicated server has a fixed IP. This is very useful for some internet services not to ask you to confirm your identity as you keep using the same source IP.